High School Band

2020 Marching Band Leadership

6/1/2020 3:21 pm

Congratulations to the following band members for being selected to the 2020 MRHS MB Leadership Team!

Field Leadership:
Woodwind Captain/Clarinet Section Leader: Andrew Havrilak
Flute Section Leader: Erin Harnett
Saxophone Section Leader: Kadin Kang

Brass Captain/Baritone Section Leader: Will Gross
Trumpet/Mellophone Section Leaders: Criss Berke, Andrew Zanino, Jackson Listwan
Tuba Section Leader: Ram Kitchen

Percussion Captain/Battery Section Leader: Naomi Green
Pit Section Leader: Erin Paul

Color Guard Captains: Megan Simmons, Chloe Thompson

Administrative Leadership:
President: Sara Foote
VP/Secretary: Caitlin Kosse
Instrument Manager/Locker Room Manager: Evelyn Griffin
Quarter Masters: Jackson Adams, Kevin Stone
Band Buddy Chairperson: Emma Evans
Physical Training/Conditioning Coach: Carter Sikes

Drum Majors will be announced at a later date.  Please join us in congratulating these students on their selection to the 2020 Leadership Team!

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2020 Marching Band Show Reveal Postponed

5/29/2020 3:26 pm

Due to the changing of the MB show for the fall 2020, the reveal of the show will not be held this weekend.  Sorry for the delay and I ask for your patience as we move forward in this time period in which the county has not given a direction the Fall MB will take. The reveal though will take place within the next 2 weeks. Please come back for a date in the near future.

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2020 Marching Band Warm Ups

5/21/2020 10:10 pm

This link provides the 2020 MB Warm-Ups.  Download your part.  If you are unsure please contact Mr. James at keith.james@ucps.k12.nc.us

2020 Marching Band Warm-ups


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Marching Band Update May 13

5/20/2020 10:14 am



Radio Silence...

A period of time when nothing is broadcast by radio: Radio silence may be imposed on other stations during a distress call. a period of time when someone does not communicate with another person or other people.  This is the time that we are in. In terms of the Marching Band, I hope you are all staying safe and healthy during this COVID-19 pandemic.  As you know, school buildings have been closed for the remainder of the school year, and  the Governor's executive order is schools are closed for the rest of the school year.  I know that there are a lot of questions regarding the marching band program that everybody has, including me.

At this time,  All decisions regarding current and  future band activities are based on the decisions being made at the State level, which are then put into effect by the school district administration and Board of Education. My first priorities during this crisis have been to provide academic opportunities for the band students, handle the details regarding how to celebrate the Senior Class of 2020 with the cancellation of many events, and to try to establish opportunities for students to audition and apply for future band and leadership activities. 

There are many questions that I have NO answers to including:

  1. access to the school building to get instruments and other personal items - which I am doing on May 14 from 6:30-7:30 pm at MRHS
  2. Band Booster meetings and Band Booster executive board elections
  3. Summer activities such as drumline, color guard, band camp, and summer rehearsals

Right now the plan is to go on as scheduled until they tell us it is not safe to do so.  We have obviously canceled all activities in May.  We plan to start back sometime in June with Drum Major auditions, but if it is not safe we will cancel those  and try again in early July.  If it is not safe to gather at that time we will cancel and wait to find out if/when we will be able to get together.  Student safety is the number one priority, so we will not even attempt to practice together if we do not feel it is 100% safe to do so. Please check out the amended schedule. Reveal of the show is on hold until we get further clarification of what is going on as we move forward.

IMPORTANT:  For planning purposes I do need to get information from everyone who plans to be in Marching Band.  Students if you have any friends that were not in band this year who would like to join (particularly colorguard) please get their information to me or get this information to them.  A few students turned in registration forms from the website.   If you have not registered for MB, then please do that as soon as possible so that we can plan to move forward.

The school district administration will be able to consider these issues after the May 15 "stay-at-home" deadline for all .  Once decisions are made, the information will be available to you through this website and email communication.

As tough as it is in these uncertain times, I ask that everyone be patient as we work through the many details.  I remain hopeful that we will be able to get back to some normalcy soon, and I wish for you all to stay safe and healthy.

On a personal note, I have truly enjoyed teaching all of you this school year.  The past few years have been some of the best of my career, and it is due to having so many GREAT band students and a supportive parent organization!  Instead of feeling burned out and ready to retire I am excited about the time when we can get together at school again.  I love you all and miss you very much.  Please take care of yourselves, and feel free to contact me by email or phone anytime you need something.


Mr. James



I cannot express enough how much all of you have meant to our band program and to me personally.  I know we are all disappointed that we will not be able to have that final concert and awards program, but your safety and the safety of our friends and families are much more important.  Hopefully at some point we will be able to gather and celebrate one of the best senior band classes that MRHS has ever had!  I pray for you all every day, and I hope to see you again some time in the near future.  Please feel free to contact me if you need anything and PLEASE come back to see us when this has all cleared and it is safe to do so.  I love you all and I miss you very much.  

Mr. James  


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2020 Marching Mavericks Tentative Schedule

5/8/2020 10:22 am

Please visit the link for the 2020 MB TENTATIVE SCHEDULE

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Winter Ensembles

Middle School Band