Middle School Band


At Marvin Ridge, Beginning Band students require zero prior knowledge of rhythm and note reading, and zero prior experience on their assigned instrument! 

Interested in Joining the Band Program?  

  1. Indicate your Instrument Interests or we'll see you at our "Meet The Instruments" Night. You can tell us what your preferences are! This is very helpful when designing our classes later in the spring. Instrument Interest Form
  2. Email Ms. Johnson!  Once you choose an instrument, please follow up with Ms. Johnson so that she can confirm your student's placement ASAP. 
  3. Head over to our Supplies page for details on Instrument Rentals and supplies! 


More About our Program!



Concerned about Sports and Academics?

Band is a Yearlong Class, and does not interfere with after-school activities! We highly encourage students to try an instrument in 6th grade as it is the only opportunity to try the program in middle school. Additionally, Band in no way effects your long term academic plans! All students who participate in middle school band are able to quickly complete their language requirements in high school, participate in other arts programs, and meet all of the requirements for selected special programs. Utilize the links below for more details! 


Band Student 6-12 Sample Schedule

MRMS Band Curriculum Overview


Instruments Available for the 2023-2024 School Year: 


Maximum Available Slots

Common Instrument Switches in November

Flute 30

Double Reed/Saxophone/Percussion

Clarinet 30  Double Reed/Saxophone, Percussion
Trumpet 30 French Horn/Baritone/Tuba/Percussion
Trombone 30  Baritone/Tuba/Percussion
Percussion 8 **Audition Only**


Instrument Matching Tool

Click HERE to take a short quiz and find out what instrument might be the best match for you! (Note, this does not mean you are required to play that specific instrument, and you will still need to register here at marvinridgebands.org when the link becomes available.)


Flute                                                     Clarinet



Trumpet                                                 Trombone




Common Questions from Incoming Band Families


Can I balance Music and other activities?                Can I play sports and be in Band? 




        Not planning to be a professional musician...                       What about my grades?



Check out our MR Band Student Interviews!


Parent Interviews


Additional Questions? Contact: 

LaToya Johnson: latoya.johnson@ucps.k12.nc.us



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Middle School Band