Marvin Ridge Color Guard Programs

 The Marvin Ridge Guard program is comprised of students from both Marvin Ridge Middle School and High School. Placement on any/all teams is organized by audition only, with no prior experience necessary! Members will learn technique and choreography in dance and equipment, as well as an entire competitive program.

We’re looking forward to an amazing season and can’t wait to get started! Please reach out with any questions in the meantime.

Color Guard Winter Guard

Our Color Guard team is a part of the Marching Band production in the Fall. Color Guard is a combination of the use of flags, sabers, mock rifles, and other equipment, as well as dance and other interpretive movement. Our Fall Color Guard begins during the summer months, and continues through the fall semester alongside the marching band. 

Subscribe to the Marching Band Calendar to see our Fall Guard! 

Our Winter Guard meets in the Winter/early Spring with both a Varsity and a Junior Varsity team. Each team competes within the Carolina Winter Ensemble Association (CWEA), and our Varsity team also performs on a national level at Winter Guard International (WGI) competitions. 

Subscribe to the Winter Guard Calendar to see us at an upcoming local Winter Guard show! 


Staff Contacts: 


Emmanuel Ross, Band Director 

Shane Cox, Guard Director  

Heather Ladue and Laura Tyson, MRBB Coordinators






Winter Ensembles

No Upcoming Events

Middle School Band